Yeah, It's About Money.

I have never claimed to be a hero, nor would I want to be labeled as such, but it's time to step up. Abraham Lincoln, Susan B Anthony, Martin Luther king, Brett Rider. All those who were integral in defining moments in American History. I would be remiss to say it's not a huge burden to bare. Then again as Ben Parker famously put "With great responsibility comes great responsibility." Tear Jerking stuff really.

"It ain't about the money" - Mo Vaughn

In this case, it is about money.

Alright, here's where I'm at. I joined OneTake back in Januaryish and it started out as any relationship - new, fun, exciting. I previously had a meeting of the minds with CEO and founder Dan E. Dials at my lovely abode here in Boston, Ma right after thanksgiving. Holiday and all I was in a swell mood and was riding the momentum of a HIGHLY successful first season of my podcast BC Banter. I was led to believe I had star potential, something I know now is true and I have already achieved. I soon after joined One Take Radio as a panel member and have gone on two will the show a few times - I believe I have a 3 week win streak, but I digress. I provided an electric northeast personality and have even had the courage to push back on Dan's blind faith in the home team. Emphasis on courage, I am a man of integrity and honor, after all.

So here we are at a cross roads, underpaid, under recognized, over scrutinized and NO CONTRACT IN SIGHT!

Bo Jackson wasn't feeling the contract dispute, so he went and hit tanks for the Royals. Emmett Smith won an effing Super Bowl and sat the hell out. Recently Leveon Bell sat out an entire season out of principle. The latter got paid but lost a year and was never the same - Is this what OneTake Wants?

We want to be compensated for what we deserve its not an egregious ask. My articles alone get 10s of 10s of views, I've doubled the OTM twitter following and my likeness alone has gotten the OTR a few views. Fair is fair.

Now for the list of demands.

  2. Acknowledgement that the Celtics are a massive disapointment
  3. No more "Program" talk - Brady was the program.
  4. A larger coffee stipend. NO more starbucks giftcards, we drink Dunkin here.
  5. Updated company provided equipment.
  6. No more censorship on TI
  7. No more Mac Jones slander
  8. Seize on Baily Zappe praise (guy sucks lol)
  9. An additional Fenway Park suite, I got a bunch of homies
  10. Emilio to be active in the discord
  11. Tavis creative control
  12. Tavis department head
  13. Less to no responsibility for Brett
  14. Reese and Dan to both get haircuts
  15. OTM T-shirt

If these demands cannot be met I will be taking my talents elsewhere. I am a star: see below.

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