This TikTok Gal Claiming She's Discriminated Against because she can't show up on time Can work for me Any Day

Time blindness is an awesome term.

It can be tough to get off the blog schneid - sometimes you're seeing the ball well, the swing is on point, and you're blogging flows like snowmelt down a stream from North Lake Tahoe down to Auburn - other times there are a few too many blogs ideas for supply to keep up and production decreases. But in times of strife we always look to our loyal team here within the OneTake Mafia - we got TI putting out bangers over the weekend (for the record, I do not have a Portnoy shrine in my apartment though he is the greatest entrepreneur of his generation and bloggers/Producer Reese are free to write whatever they'd like), Producer Reese showing up for Stockton and exemplifying 'the best ability is availability', hell at this rate, former OTM contributor B-Rider may even get out his quarterly 300 word blog before me on his website Eagles Monthly*. Like anything in life, it's all about momentum and building a practice - and hand up, over the last week, I have not done that as well as I would like #accountability.

So what better way to get back into the world of the blog than highlighting this gal who doesn't understand being on time. I've seen this clip before but it popped up on Twitter again this afternoon - and I gotta say, I'm a big fan.

As a fellow member of the late community, I was quite sure we were out of moves - try and get your friends to tell you something is happening a half hour earlier than it actually is, learn to just live with folks a little annoyed at you, make it part of your charm, try and actually just be better (my personal strategy) - but no, this gal takes the legendary Tim Urban blog from back in the day where he famously coined the term Chronically Late Insane Person (or CLIP) and exemplifies it to the highest order.

The creativity, the branding, the ability to change the narrative of being late to everything - to actually claiming it to be a real diagnosable issue is straight brilliance and I think she needs to send her resume out to every damn PR firm in whatever greater metropolitan area in which she resides. Has there been a better spin zone in the 21st century? She's not late to everything, she's just 'time blind'. And at the end of this 58 second clip, she claims the person interviewing her to whatever she is applying for is the one whose entitled - and she very well may be right! I prefer to call myself a time optimist, but time blindness can affect one in every three people in our society (made up stat, but a lot of folks are late to things) and has to be the term used going forward. Objectivity, facts, superior ideas, hierarchy, production, are so 2000 and late! Gen Z is the best.

My best advice to this gal, which she's already taking: if you can't be on time to stuff, gotta be able to make stuff - creative people don't necessarily see time in the same way - gotta make hay while the sun is shining. Start writing, making videos, directing, coding, painting - whatever that thing is that you do, do it. Not everybody can be a cubicle cowboy. So go make it happen, tiktok girl! And send your resume to '[email protected]' if you need an internship. 'The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding' - unknown. Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go return some video tapes and make some damn calls for Danny Dials Consulting, llc (we also specialize in Ethereum investing).

Truckin' - Dan.


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