The Big Dogs of Stockton… Literally

“A woman is recovering after being attacked by multiple dogs.”

Danny Dials swung by Stockton HQ, aka Producer Reese’s home base, this past weekend and brought up a really good point about my current hometown - it’s filled with very large canines. This is something I’ve always sort of noticed in the back of my head, but didn’t consciously acknowledge until now. On almost every corner of a residential area within Stockton, you will probably find a big dog guarding a house. This dog will be one of four breeds: German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Doberman, or Pitbull (it could also be mixed). 

Will these Stockton guard dogs bark at you? Yes, they most likely will. Every single time the mailman (or anyone with an unfamiliar scent) walks by my house, my neighbors guard dogs (all 3 of them- 2 German Shepherds and 1 Pitbull) will start yapping at them. I’ll be honest, they do give me some sense of security. If a perpetrator ever tries to trespass my neighborhood, I have a strong feeling they will end up like the lady in the story above. 


We actually had a dog when we first moved to Stockton. One of our neighbors gave her to us. Unfortunately, she was getting too big for our home and was becoming too much of an inconvenience for us at the time. Long story short we ended up finding a new owner for her. She was in fact a big dog breed, as you may have guessed, Husky mixed with German Shepherd- the perfect prospect for a Stockton guard dog. If I ever were to adopt another dog, it would be a similar breed/build to this one. 

One more thing I’d like to mention is how many strays we have wandering around the streets of Stockton. They’re literally everywhere, big and little ones alike. The other day I spotted two twin Belgian Malinois creeping around Downtown, right under the freeway- just minding their own business. There are so many strays here that the pounds are almost always full. It’s actually pretty hard to put a pet up for adoption here. And unfortunately this feeds into the cycle of producing more strays. 

vlcsnap 2023 12 05 17h38m13s412

Some Stockton Strays I Spotted

If I ever run for mayor of Stockton, this is definitely one issue I’d like to address. It would be quite fulfilling to be able to find a home for these guys. I also think doing so would prevent further stray dog attacks against pedestrians, thus making the streets feel a little safer.

God Bless the big dogs of Stockton,

Producer Reese


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1 year ago

Producer Reese - man of the animals 🐺🫡

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