Inside Edition's Piece on Short King Spring, #veryinteresting

“It’s Short King Spring and that means big ups for the little guys who like dating women of stature.”

I’m not an avid consumer of news when it comes to stories produced by Inside Edition, especially since it’s widely considered a source of tabloid journalism. In fact the piece that I shared above isn’t that great, it’s a pretty short video (no pun intended) and there were some parts of it that felt kind of cringe. However, it did have an overall positive message and it does its part in supporting the movement for #shortkingspring. I almost forgot to mention that this video is almost 2 years old, but I thought it would still be funny to editorialize on it since I’m the leader of the short kings. 

The title of the video is somewhat questionable, “Short King Spring is the New Hot Girl Summer.” This is the part that made me cringe a little. I’m not exactly sure that this is a fair comparison. I’ve seen varying definitions of Hot Girl Summer, some defining it as: “a carefree and confident attitude embraced by women, encouraging them to have fun, be self-assured, and prioritize their own happiness during the summer season” and others describing it as “a simple phrase to categorize and excuse being reckless and hooking up with a lot of people.” I would have to conduct more research on the actual meaning of Hot Girl Summer, but after doing so I would be willing to make an argument in a separate blog as to why the two movements are not on the same playing field. 


The first 20 seconds of Inside Edition’s 1 minute piece on Short King Spring pretty much talks about short male celebrities and their taller significant others. I’m not sure that Keith Urban is really considered a short dude (since he’s like 5’10 - the average male height), but I guess he’s relevant here because his wife is taller than him by like an inch or so. 


Keith is literally a normal sized guy, but I can see that his wife is clearly taller than him

The last portion of the video is the best part in my opinion, as it introduces a non-celebrity couple with a significant height difference. The dude in the relationship is the short king, standing at about 5’3”; and his lady is about 6 inches taller than him (almost a head taller). Based on their brief interview, it didn’t seem like either of them was phased by this height gap, even after acknowledging it on camera. Very wholesome moment, we love to see it. 

I’d really like to see some more investigative pieces on Short King Spring, perhaps OneTake Media will lead the charge on this one day.

Anywho, Happy Short King Spring,

Producer Reese


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Danny Dials
Danny Dials
10 months ago

Need some investigation on the short king community in San Francisco...

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